God Almighty draws our attention to a very important question for this 21st century. If we think about how we came to existence by going back to the Big bang theory, there are couple of questions that needs to be answered, we have a big explosion out of "nothing" which means there was no space, time, matter etc, so how can an explosion happen from nothing? To make an explosion energy is required, where did this energy come from? So are we really created out of nothing? The answer for this is yes, there was an explosion but someone caused that explosion and God said: “Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? ” (Quran chapter 21 verse 30) or did we create our own selves as God mentions in the second part? The obvious answer is No, because still we don’t know so many mechanisms in our body and we know very little about the complex Brain. If we really are the owners and creators of our body, then stop blinking and breathing, after a while without your will, your eyes will blink and you will breath, its involuntary, we are not the ones who designed and made it that way. When we are hungry, thirsty and in pain the body gives out signals, when we are ready to fight our body prepares for it, of course these are due to the hormones, who designed those hormones to function so perfect? Our body is a gift given by God. Our body is exactly like a car and we are the drivers, we do not own this car and if we drive how ever we want we will be questioned by the owner of that car and we will be punished. Be careful! One day you will be questioned by the one who created you.